Grade 3 Natural/Technical Unit

Central Idea
To create and perform music we must be aware of conventions and elements
Lines Of Inquiry
L1: Different musical patterns can create different tonalities
L2: Symbols can be used to represent musical elements
L3: Music can be identified visually and aurally
Learner Profile
Knowledgeable: developing an understanding of the conventions of music
Communicator: using standard music notation to express feelings and ideas
Reflective: through the creative process
During this unit students developed their understanding of music literacy, using these skills to compose their own music. Students began the unit by exploring the major and minor pentatonic scales, singing these using solfa and describing their emotional response to these scales.
Major Pentatonic: Do, Re, Mi, So, La
Minor Pentatonic: La, Do, Re, Mi, So
As a catalyst to aid in the creation of the composition students were given a Japanese Haiku to which they used the syllables of the poem to transcribe the rhythm of the piece using stick notation.
Stick notation of the rhythm to the following poem by Basho Matsuo 
An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
Students then worked to develop their musical literacy understanding of the notes within the Major and Minor scales, then using this to add a melody to their compositions. This unit culminated in students  composing  their own pentatonic melody using standard notation based off their haiku

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